new! >2012 February, Featured COLOSSAL, Daily Mail UK , Yahoo! Games, Thank you.

new! >2011 February, Ice Cream Packages Tower got 2nd Place in Anniversary Art Contest.

>2011 December, HKDA, Hong Kong Design Award 11′ Conceptual Design, Bonsai-B
>2011 September, solo exhibition in Tokyo
Takanori Aiba had a solo exhibition, “Adventures of the Eyes”, at Kakiden Gallery in Tokyo. Thank you so much for visiting us.

>2010 November, Book Publication “TOKYO Good Idea Development Institution”
Takanori Aiba published his own book in 2010. You can get his book here.
>2009 March, appears in “Highlighting Japan” Magazine
Takanori Aiba appears in the March issue of “Highligting Japan” p.22-23
-Making A Boyhood Dream A Reality-